Your Brand Matters!

BJB Retail partners with brands to help them grow their online sales.

Influencer Network

Influencer partnerships to give you free advertising.

Free ad campaigns

We have money set aside that we apply to all products we sell.

Listing Optimization

Improving your listing can help grow your sales!

Smart sellers

Marketplaces are always changing. Whether it is new fees or new policies. We are constantly involved in the space and learn how to navigate these changes.

Our Services

Listing Optimization

Images and descriptions is the only way you can entice customers to purchase from you online. Tell the full story to have the greatest chance of converting the sale.

Free Influencer Advertising

We do not charge you upfront for influencer campaigns.


Notifications can be set up to let you know of new sellers hijacking your listing, bad reviews on a product and more.

Let us help you reach the next level

E-commerce can be a daunting space. You don’t have to navigate it alone.

Why Choose Us


If you succeed, we succeed. This is why we are determined to help you accomplish your goals.


We have been involved in online sales for 3+ years.


We will support you with any problem you have regarding your brand. If it is outside of our expertise we will help you find the solution.

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